Monday, October 29, 2007

Slappy Slappy

It's Monday - and it's Morning and Nacho is in NYC so I'm publishing this Blog from our nation's capital city. Are you pumped or what? I can see the parliament buildings from my window, but when I glance back at my computer I see Nacho and Greg. I guess that like yin and yang. Got any suggestions for a future MMBS - post a comment and let us know.

Mr. Teatime.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Monday morning bitch slap week 2

Here you go kiddies, It's the monday morning bitch slap. I know you have been waiting patiently and we did film it yesterday but our fearless leader Zach was a lil kerfuffled about how to go about getting it up on the website, his computer actually disintegrated. Anyways we thought we'd let ya know about some shit that we's into this week. enjoy.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

First Monday morning bitch slap!!!

So, I'm an asshole and I argue a lot for fun. I might just start some shit on a Monday cause I had a bad weekend or maybe just cause I'm bored. It's not all my fault though, I work with a bunch of fucking idiots. Here's me and Greg critiquing some boards we like.